donderdag 12 juni 2014

GLI:N ZERO PLASTIC WEEK CHALLENGE DAY#4: Cooking from stock without shopping

12. June 2014. Thursday

Ok, it looks as if I was cheating.

I simply refuse to go shopping until I cannot serve 3 healthy delicious meal per day.

Let`s see, on Monday I cooked oatmeal with dried grapes and peaches for breakfast, lunch was chicken BBQ and potato salad and fresh salad with tomato. The dinner was hamburger with onion and cheese. All freshly made, no ready made stuff. 

On Tuesday we had bread with honey in the morning, lunch was the left over hamburger meat with mashed potato and cucumber salad. In the evening we ate the last pieces of bread as sandwiches with salami , cheese and paprika. 

On Wednesday my son asked for again oatmeal. This is his favorite morning dish. This time with some cacao powder on top. The lunch was chicken breast in honey-mustard marinade with Gorgonzola gnocchi. And we had a nice warm evening so went for a BBQ outside and the guys made spare ribs. I quickly made steamed red cabbage with apples and honey. Also I baked  fresh bread during the day so it was nice to take it with seasoned butter while we were waiting for the ribs. 

On Thursday morning we got bread with honey and as a lunch we had sausages with couscous ,peas and peach. 
I have no idea what  the dinner will be but I told to myself:

If I can stay away from the shop till Friday, I have an easy situation because it will be market day on Friday. 
So this is my goal for today. Postpone the shopping with another day. 

Ok, I was lucky this week. We had enough meat in the deep freezer this time.
I had also a good variety of fresh vegetables  and fruits. 
I still have a cabbage and 4 beetroots and a pack of deep frozen spinach.
What we lack is fruits. We have two pieces of apple left. 
But I am not going to the shop for fruits now. 

No way. 

I will go out and enjoy the sun, being present in the summer moment. 
No shopping, no plastic, no money spent. 
Just a relief to know and be conscious about the fact, that there is life without plastic and shops.

Have a GLI:N and plastic free week

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