donderdag 4 september 2014

GLI:N Midweek Tips: Beginners guide to green your dish washing detergent

Ok, now that you are hooked with home made, vegan , biological cosmetic products like soap, body butter, lip balm and sunscreen, now it is time to green our household step by step. 
As a mother, or the manager of a family logistical center, where do you spend most of your time?

Yes, in the K I T C H E N.

So after cooking , hopefully with lots of fresh, veggies and fruits the most hated part of the housework comes: washing the dishes.
In the old days , our mothers used soap and hot water. Of course, evolution did not stop, so one day, the dishwasher was invented. Great, you as a busy mother you can quickly put all the dirty dishes in it, add a tablet, push the bottom , close the door and ready. Everything is on order and after a few hours the dishes are clean too. Win-win.

Let me stop for a second. Do we really need a machine? Is it environmental friendly? Is it good for our health? 

There are certain answers that we can give. But it feels already overwhelming to go entirely green at home. 

So let me give you advice little by little, a piece of alteration at a time. 

Start with your kitchen. 

You do not need to throw away your dishwasher even. 
Just be conscious about what you put in, how and when.

Here are a few tips that you can easily adapt in your daily routine.


First of all, I would like to warn you, it is a TRIAL AND ERROR PROCESS.
Your green washing success depends on a lot of different things at the same time. 
I encourage you to take this adventure and do not quit after the first or second bad result.

It will be fine, you just need to learn your machine and your ingredients.
Your success depends on :
-the size of your dishwasher
-how many dishes you put in
-how dirty they are
-on which temperature you are washing
-how your machine allocates the water
-on which pressure it gives the water
-the proportion of the washing detergent ingredients
-the strength of the vinegar that you use
-how much powder you use

What are the natural ingredients that you can use to wash your dishes in your dishwasher?

-citric acid
-borax (optional)
-baking soda

P.S.: Do not forget to check out the upcoming GLI:N Workshops here


Happy GLI:N Week

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