dinsdag 3 juni 2014

GLI:N Homemade Recipes: Body Butter Bar

Now, that you have lip balm, sunscreen, it is time to learn how you will be able to make your own body butter using 3 simple, natural ingredients for the basic recipe. 

Of course, you can make your own version with adding extra oils, scents, etc.
These hard body butter bars are perfect as a gift as well. Based on the celebration you can use different silicon molds like :heart shapes for mothers' or fathers' day, or Xmas ornaments or even Easter Eggs forms. These body butter bars are really cute and can be made to fit any of your gifting needs. You can add your personal touch using different essential oils or natural colorants (cacao, cinnamon, chili, curcuma, etc)
These bars are easy to use and have really good moisturizing effect. They will soften even the most dried body parts, like elbows, knees or heels. 

1/2 cup of butters (you can make your own mixture, like coconut-cacao-karite- mango)
1/2 cup of oil ( again, you can go for a mix, like: olive- hemp seed-jojoba)
1/2 cup of beeswax
3-6 drops of good quality essential oils ( I use perfect quality of  doTERRA oils)
optional for coloring:
1 little spoon of cacao, cinnamon, chili powder

1. Melt all your butters and oils in a double boiler.
2. Remove from the heat and add the essential oils and extra coloring ingredients. Stir them well.
3. Quickly pour the mixture in the desired silicon mold.
4. Let it rest for about 4-6 hours. If you want to speed up the hardening process, pop them in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes.

If you do not like the consistency, simply put them back in your double boiler, add additional bees wax (for harder bars) and start again from point number 2.

If it is a gift, wrap them in wax paper or cellophane and tie them with a nice ribbon and a card. This is perfect gift for anyone or everyone with dry skin. (Pretty much everyone has dry skin!)

More recipes here:

            Bath Bomb                                  KISS ME Lip Balm                                           

              Bath Bonbon

       Liquid Soap                              SUNTAN ME sunscreen

Don`t forget this sunday is the GLI:N Vegan Soap Making Workshop in Amsterdam. Last before the summer holiday. Sign up here.

Have a GLI:N Week

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