maandag 12 mei 2014

GLI:N Weekend Round Up

As I mentioned in the previous post, this week was less active with workshops, which I do enjoy together with all the participants as most. However a lot of new happenings are around GLI:N.
You know by now, that you can follow GLI:N Workshops in two cities in the Netherlands right now: Amsterdam and Uitgeest. One of the places is in the heart of the country :) and the other is in a beautiful spot near the beach. I love both. In the city I can connect with international people from all around the world and in the village it is like a big family, mainly Dutch people who are coming to learn about vegan soap making or eco friendly cleaning products making for their family.

Quickly, I have realized, that I would like to go closer to you, to the "green & clean" minded family members, or who are thinking about this change in their life.
So here we come, soon you can follow the GLI:N workshops in Alkmaar in a special space. It is a trendy , industrial design furniture shop, run by a green minded young couple who have recently decided to follow their dreams. They quit their jobs to follow their dreams. Within short time, I am sure, I will be able to announce the first GLI:N Workshop in Alkmaar. So stay tuned and follow us here or any other online media where you can find GLI:N.

That reminds me , to continue with other great news. GLI:N is using the most out of all the online media out there from now on.
Here is a short overview for all of the GLI:N followers about the media that we are using and for what.
Here is our website:
What you can read:
1. GLI:N Weekly Round Up Posts, where we summerize all the happenings, activities, news, etc
2. GLI:N Midweek Tips: Every week you find interesting, useful tips around "green & clean" family life
3.GLI:N DIY Recipes: here we share easy to make recipes for homemade vegan cosmetic products and eco friendly cleaning detergents
4. Others: all the general information about GLI:N and others

We are using facebook in order to keep an open conversation with the world out there:

We keep a track of all the GLI:N upcoming workshops here on facebook:

We are using this space for announcements like: special giveaways, collaborations, networking with all of you.

GLI:N has his own space on Pinterest:
This will be filled with loads of pins on how to`s, tips, tricks, recipes, inspirational boards for you to design your own personalized products. Last but not least, we will share the board of " The masters of the GLI:N participants" where you will share proudly your creations.
GLI:N goes on twitter as well:
Our Mission is to make the change in the head of people. We strongly believe that the biggest and hardest step is to turn your and your family life to a "green & clean" life is the change at fist. So we hope, that with more media GLI:N is out there to support you every day and all day long. You will be able to reach, connect, share, learn and network with all the "green & clean" minded people.
People, behind GL:IN are working hard to create this open, trustworthy, valuable community with you together.

We are looking for other physical locations in the Netherlands to come closer to you. Please let us know, if  you want a place close to you where you want to be part of the GLI:N "green & clean" community.

With love

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